Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Parallel World

A walk through a dark alley and the feeling of being closely watched and followed.Alone in the room, studying around midnight sitting at your old wooden chair , hands on the table , eyes in the book and mind deeply involved with the matter suddenly one moment of cold air blowing by the ear and the sensation of someone standing right behind you brings sweat and goosebumps.
Have you ever felt these strange sensations???
Lot amongst us might get goosebumps by just hearing the word spirit or ghosts. Everyone of us at least once in our lifetime listen stories of spirits , ghosts etc etc. The story ends and leave some of the listeners with goosebumps and a scary feeling.
What happens after death?? Is there really a spirit inside every human being? do after death the spirit if its there goes through the "shinning bridge" and enters another world.. "the spirit world"?? Some of the biggest unsolved question mythological , religiously and scientifically . These question have remained unanswered from decades and decades but no one have really denied to believe in the existence of the parallel world, let it be religious leaders or let it be scientist -two most opposite yet powerful base of the human race.
A patient brought in emergency to hospital is being transferred to the operation chamber for an instant operation. Doctors try their best but loose the patient in middle of the operation, heart beat stopped , no breath, absolutely nothing and doctors declare , "patient is dead" . Just after about he breaths a heavy breath, heart beat starts and he is miraculously back to life. There have been numerous cases like this and one thing common in all these cases were when the patient was asked , "what did you felt or saw?" , the answer have been the same always. Every one have told stories about a "flash of white light , a shinning bridge and walk on that bridge to go to other side when suddenly everything disappeared".
Do this small journey of a dying patient not signifies the exists of a parallel world scientifically, a world where spirit exists.!!
A horrible road accident on a deserted road, the whole family of four , a male , one female and two kids dies on the spot. What commonly is noticed by people passing by the same spot where these kind of accident happens are sights of a lady walking in middle of the road and suddenly disappearing, kids lying on the road and many other scary scene which vanishes with a wink of an eye but felt truly real.
Do these sights reported by the people driving by not signifies the existence of a parallel world religious because every religion say or believes that people who die fatal death , their spirits never leave the material world.
So many incidents where people have reported some unusual which just vanished with a wink, something scary, haunted houses, dogs suddenly barking in the middle of the night by sensing something unusual , things moving in the air by themselves and many more.
I believe their is a life after death, the spirit life in a different world because believe it or not everyone of us at least once in his or her lifetime feels the existence of a different world, most of us name it sighting a ghost and rest of us bury it inside their heart because they are SCARED.
So next time you get goosebumps in a quiet lonely dark night , remember their is someone definitely watching.


  1. Well...all you have written is just so true.We are so ignorant of what is around ur.Even the top scientists and psychics say that we are just aware of just 1% of this worls...and not of the remaning 99% which consists of the supernatural powers.

  2. exactly anu but have you ever had an encounter like this when you felt that someone is watching you just standing by your side...

  3. Deepshikha i totally agree with what you have mentioned in your article. i will share a personal incident that took place when i was at Dagshai Public School. One day at midnight when i got up to drink water i felt the same sensation. i felt like someone was walking in the dorm. For half an hour i was not able to sleep because i could actually listen to the foot steps and a shadow walking in the hostel dorm. Early morning when i reported this matter to my warden he told me not to tell other students about this because he himself has seen it before. So only the once who have gone through this know what it is like. from that day i do believe in all this. Supernatural Things do exist but its not the thing to worry about. people should not take these things in a scary manner. the biggest mistake people do is when they scare there own children by taking the name of ghosts and Dracula's. we shuld never do it because we make a wrong perception about all this which leads to very bad results.
